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【英文原版】Orientalism / Edward W. Said.

  • 【英文原版】Orientalism / Edward W. Said.
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  • 语言:英文
  • 进口书分类:社会科学


萨义德(Edward W.Said,1935-2003),当今世界极具影响力的文学和文艺批评家之一。出生于耶路撒冷,在英国占领期间就读于埃及开罗的西方学校,接受英式和美式教育,1950年代赴美就学,获哈佛大学博士学位,1963年起任教于哥伦比亚大学,讲授英国文学与比较文学。代表作有:《 Beginnings: Intention and Method 》、《The World,the Text,and the Critic》、《Orientalism》、Criticism In Society,Culture and Imperialism》、《Representations of the Intellectual 》等。萨义德还是有名的乐评家、歌剧学者、钢琴家,并以知识分子的身份积极参与巴勒斯坦的政治运动,为巴勒斯坦在西方世界最雄辩的代言人。


"If the knowledge of Orientalism has any meaning, it is in being a reminder of the seductive degradation of knowledge, of any knowledge, anywhere. at any time. Now perhaps more than before." 



萨义德以他提出的Orientalism(东方主义)最为世人所知。他在 1978年出版的《东方主义》一书中指出, 19世纪西方国家眼中的东方世界没有真实根据,凭空相象出来的东番西方世界对-世界的人民和文化有一种强烈的偏见。萨义德认为,西方文化中对亚洲和中东长期错误和浪漫化的印象为欧美国家的殖民主义提供了借口。这本书已经成为后殖民论述的经典与理论依据。


Product Details


  • Series: Modern Classics (Penguin)
  • Paperback: 396 pages
  • Publisher: Penguin Books, Limited (UK); 25th Anniversary Ed with 1995 Afterword Ed edition
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0141187425
  • ISBN-13: 978-0141187426
  • Product Dimensions: 7.7 x 5 x 1.1 inches
  • Book Description
  • For generations now, Edward W. Said's "Orientalism" has defined our understanding of colonialism and empire, and this "Penguin Modern Classics" edition contains a preface written by Said shortly before his death in 2003. In this highly-acclaimed work, Edward Said surveys the history and nature of Western attitudes towards the East, considering orientalism as a powerful European ideological creation - a way for writers, philosophers and colonial administrators to deal with the 'otherness' of eastern culture, customs and beliefs. He traces this view through the writings of Homer, Nerval and Flaubert, Disraeli and Kipling, whose imaginative depictions have greatly contributed to the West's romantic and exotic picture of the Orient. Drawing on his own experiences as an Arab Palestinian living in the West, Said examines how these ideas can be a reflection of European imperialism and racism. Edward W. Said (1935-2003) was a Palestinian-American cultural critic and author, born in Jerusalem and educated in Egypt and the United States. His other books include "The Question of Palestine", "Culture and Imperialism" and "Out of Place: A Memoir". If you enjoyed "Orientalism", you might like Frantz Fanon's "The Wretched of the Earth", also available in "Penguin Modern Classics". "Stimulating, elegant and pugnacious". ("Observer"). "Beautifully patterned and passionately argued". ("New Statesman"). "Very exciting ...his case is not merely persuasive, but conclusive". (John Leonard, "New York Times"). "Magisterial". (Terry Eagleton).


